Energy Supply Solution for Low-Energy Commercial Buildings in Cold Climates
, 2013
What can we learn from case study buildings?
, 2013
Rehabilitering av eneboliger
, 2013
Nå bygger Forsvaret nullhus
, 2013
Unikt laboratorium baner veien mot nullutslipphuset
, 2012
Hvordan legger myndighetene til rette for en innovativ og bærekraftig arkitektur? Erfaringer fra arbeidet med Powerhouse-prosjektene
, 2013
A zero emision concept analysis of an office building
, 2013
A zero emission concept analysis of a single family home
, 2013
ZEB har fått sin første doktorgrad
, 2013
The interaction between building and users in passive and zero-energy housing and offices: The role of interfaces, knowledge and user commitment
, 2013
Synthesis of Hallow Silica Nanospheres by Sacrificial Polystyrene Templates for Thermal Insulation applications
, 2013
Windows in the Buildings of Tomorrow; Energy Losers or Energy Gainers?
, 2013
Energieffektivisering i bygninger. Forsknings- og demonstrasjonsaktiviteter med utgangspunkt i ZEB
, 2013
FM towards zero emission buildings: Learning and professional development among energy operators of large buildings
, 2013
The impact of sustainable research initiatives: What really gets built?
, 2011
Small studies in architectural materiality
, 2012
Eksempler på nær nullenergibygg
, 2013
Status fra Zero Emission Buildings på energiforsyning – Status for arbeidspakke 3. Utvikling av nye og forbdrede produkter og løsninger for energiforsyning og tekniske installasjoner
, 2012
Fremtidens byggstatus på forskningsfronten
, 2013
Hvordan anser markedet denne type bygg?
, 2013
Vil bygge 800 miljøboliger, men fylkesmannen sier nei
, 2012
Flytende tregulv – Pass på avstanden!
, 2012
Unngå byggskader ved laboratorietesting av nye materialer og løsninger
, 2012
Retrofitting Timber Frame Walls with Vacuum Insulation Panels
, 2012
Innovative High Performance Thermal Building Insulation Materials - Today's State-of-the-Art and Beyond Tomorrow
, 2012
Fourier Transform Infrared Radiation Spectroscopy Applied for Wood Rot Decay and Mould Fungi Growth Detection
, 2012
Investigations of Accelerated Climate Aged Wood Substrates by Fourier Transform Infrared Material Characterization
, 2012
Shielding Fresh Air Ventilation Intakes
, 2012
Development of a Model for Radon Concentration in Indoor Air
, 2012
Accelerated Climate Ageing of Building Materials, Components and Structures in the Laboratory
, 2012
Accelerated Climate Aging of Building Materials and their Characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Radiation Analysis
, 2012
The Path to the Building Integrated Photovoltaics of Tomorrow
, 2012
State-of-the-Art Building Integrated Photovoltaics
, 2012
Fra energisluk til energiprodusent
, 2013
Får verdens mest miljøvennlige boliger
, 2013
Her kommer det 800 miljøboliger
, 2013
Grønt lys for grønne boliger i Blomsterdalen
, 2013
Forskningssenteret ZEB
, 2009
ZEB - Zero Emission Buildings
, 2009
Presentasjon av Forskningssenteret ZEB
, 2009
Energieffektivisering i bygninger, mye miljø for pengene!
, 2009
Zero Emission Buildings. Status og veien videre
, 2009
Fremtidens bygninger – et svar på klimautfordringene?
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings – null klimabelastninger
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings – The Norwegian Approach
, 2010
Aktivbygg – hva er det og hvorfor skal vi bygge det?
, 2010
Passivhus og Zero Emission Buildings
, 2010
Fremtidens klimavennlige bygninger
, 2010
Passivhusstandard for nybygg fra 2020?
, 2010
Powerhouse One i Trondheim
, 2011
Powerhouse One, en status for Norges første plusshus
, 2011
Energikonsept for Powerhouse One
, 2012
Rehabilitering av boligblokk med ZEB-ambisjoner
, 2012
Powerhouse One og Kjørbo
, 2012
Zero Emission Buildings
, 2009
The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings
, 2009
Powerhouse på Brattøra og andre miljøprosjektet
, 2011
Zero Emission Buildings – et nytt forskningssenter for miljøvennlig energy
, 2009
ZEB – Det nye nasjonale forskningssenteret på nullutslipphus
, 2009
Nullutslipp og arkitektur
, 2009
Fremtidens miljøvennlige bygninger
, 2009
Zero Emission Buildings
, 2009
Fremtidens miljøvennige bygninger
, 2009
Zero Emission Buildings
, 2009
ZE+hytte - A net zero energy building concept
, 2011
Zero emission buildings – the Norwegian approach
, 2011
Hva gjør en byggevareprodusent når veggene nærmer seg middelalderens kistemurer?
, 2012
Erfaringer med markedsutvikling for høye energiambisjoner
, 2012
Zero Emission Buildings
, 2009
Adaption of buildings to a changing climate in Norway - recent and future research work
, 2009
Zero Emission Building Envelopes - Numerical Simulations of a Well-Insulated Building with Phase Change Material Panels Integrated in the Floor
, 2011
Vindusløsninger ved energieffektivisering av eneboliger
, 2012
Moisture Robustness During Retrofitting of Timber Frame Walls with Vacuum Insulation Panels: Experimental and Theoretical Studies
, 2013
On the proper integration of wood stoves in passive houses: Investigation using detailed dynamic simulations
, 2013
Thermal Conductivty of TiO2 Nanotubes
, 2013
Monodisperse Hollow Silica Nanospheres for Nano Insulation Materials: Synthesis, Characterization; and Pre-Life Cycle Assessment
, 2013
Evaluation of load matching and grid interaction index of a Norwegian all-electrical Net-ZEB under stochastic user loads
, 2012
Large-scale experimental wind-driven rain exposure investigations of building integrated photovoltaics
, 2013
Powerhouse. Kraftbygg skal sette verdensrekord
, 2012
Nordahl Bruns gate 2. Gammelt bygg får ny jakke.
, 2012
Venter løft for byggenæringen
, 2009
Energibruk nær null
, 2012
Arkitektstudenter og plusshus. Nå lærer arkitektstudentene om plusshus
, 2013
Moderne hus tar livet av vedovnene
, 2012
“In the morning I just need a long, hot shower”. A sociological exploration of energy sensibilities in Norwegian bathrooms
, 2013
Sustainability assessment of nearly zero energy renovation of dwellings based on energy, economy and home quality indicators
, 2013
The intricate way towards the zero emission buildings: the Passive House controversy in Norway
, 2011
The legal dwelling: the interface between buildings researches and construction law in Norway.
, 2012
The History of the Passive House Concept and Standard: How a voluntary standard managed to bridge the energy efficiency gap
, 2012
Life-cycle assessment of a multi-family residence built to passive house standard
, 2012
Cooling of PV panels by natural convection
, 2013
Beregning av kuldebroverider for golv på grunn
, 2013
Comparative Analysis of PV Shading Devices for Energy Performance and Daylight
, 2012
Durability of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Alkaline Environment
, 2012
Nullenergibygg er mulig! Hvordan kan og bør de være?
, 2012
Vinduer for framtiden - Resultater fra forskning
, 2011
Zero emission buildings and development of professional (energy) operation culture: Learning and professional development in operation of large buildings
, 2012
Energy culture in the comfort society
, 2012
On the integration of wood stoves for the space-heating of passive houses: Assessment using dynamic simulation
, 2012
Core-shell typed Ag@SiO2 nanoparticles as solar selective coating materials
, 2013
Antireflection properties of monodisperse hollow silica nanospheres
, 2013
Thermo-physical behaviour and energy performance assessment of PCM glazing system configurations: A numerical analysis
, 2012
Characterization of the optical properties of a PCM glazing system
, 2012
Effekt- og energisimuleringer
, 2012
Hvilke programmer fins - brukbarhet og brukerterskel
, 2012
Behov for beregning, modellering og simulering; Historisk utvikling
, 2012
Impacts of Operating Hardware on Window Thermal Performance
, 2012
Retrofitting Timber Frame Walls with Vacuum Insulation Panels
, 2012
High Performance Thermal Building Insulation: Today's State of the Art
, 2012
Nye standarder for passivhus – NS 3700 og NS 3701/Prosjektrapport 42
, 2012
Freeze protection method in ventilation system using two hydronic circuits
, 2011
Influence of user-behavior on the performance of the building and the energy supply system
, 2012
Zero Emission Buildings vs Zero Energy Buildings
, 2012
Impact on thermal comfort of conventional and advanced glazed façades in office buildings
, 2012
Sustainability transitions outside the modernization paradigm. Gains and losses
, 2012
Sustainable Energy Supply for Low Energy and Passive House Developments. 5 Norwegian Case Studies
, 2012
Passiv - Lavenergi - Nesten null - Plusshus. Begreper, definisjoner og prinsipper
, 2012
Powerhouse Kjørboe - rehabilitering av kontorbygg til plussenergibygg
, 2013
Hva er forskjellen på passivhus, nesten nullenergi, nullenergi og plussenergi/energipositivt?
, 2013
Hvordan realisere regjeringens ambisjoner?
, 2013
Norsk byggebransje deltar nesten ikke i EUs forskning
, 2012
Brukerundersøkelse om innemiljø på Marienlyst skole
, 2012
Households on the Rebound. Factors Increasing and Decreasing Rebound Effects in Norwegian Households
, 2012
Membrane Based Heat Exchanger
, 2012
Det store bildet. Hvor er vi nå?
, 2012
Erfaringer med markedsutvikling for høye energiambisjoner
, 2012
En teknisk entreprenørs utfordring i praksis
, 2012
Ventilasjon og energigjenvinning i kaldt klima
, 2012
Verktøy for valg av energiforsyning
, 2012
Facade development in a Zero Emission Building perspective
, 2012
Nye isolasjonsmaterialer - er nanoteknologi løsningen?
, 2012
Boligområdet Skarpnes i Arendal
, 2012
Powerhouse #1 på Brattørkaia i Trondheim
, 2012
Depotbygget på Haakonsvern, Bergen
, 2012
Livssyklusanalyser av Powerhouse #1 på brattørkaia i Trondheim
, 2012
Forholdet mellom nullenergi og nullutslipp
, 2012
Politiske mål og ambisjoner - en utfordring til byggenæringen
, 2012
Performance of 8 Cold-Climate Envelopes for Passive Houses
, 2012
Energy Desing of Sandwich Masonry Blocks
, 2012
Powerhouse One: the first plus-energy commercial building in Norway
, 2012
The Skarpnes resisdential development
, 2012
Sammenligning av klimagass-utslipp med naturlig- og balansert ventilasjon
, 2012
Numerical Simulations of a Well-Insulated Wall Assembly with Integrated Phase Change Material Panels – Comparison with Hot Box Experiments
, 2011
Zero Emission Building Envelopes - Comparison of Floor Constructions with PCM, Wood and Concrete in a Life Cycle Perspective
, 2011
Zero Emission Building Envelopes - Comparison of Different Wall Constructions in a Life Cycle Perspective
, 2011
Properties, Requirements and Possibilities for Traditional, State-of-the-Art and Future Thermal Building Insulation Materials and Solutions
, 2011
Possibilites for characterization of a pcm window system large scale measurements
, 2012
From Passive House to Zero Emission Buildings from an Emission-Accounting Perspective
, 2012
A numerical model to evaluate the thermal behaviour of PCM glazing systems
, 2012
Optimal transparent percentage in façade modules for office buildings in a central Europe climate: a case study in Frankfurt
, 2012
Investigation of the thermal properties and heat-storage reliability of a paraffin wax for LHTES application under direct solar radiation
, 2012
Nano insulation materials for energy efficient buildings: from theory to practice
, 2012
Nano insulation materials for energy efficient buildings: a case study on hallow silica naonspheres
, 2012
Energy performance assessment of an advanced responsive multifunctional facade module: first results of an experimental campaign
, 2012
Architectural integration of photovoltaic cells overview of materials and products from an architectural point of view
, 2012
Marinlyst school – Comparison of simulated and measured energy use in a passive house school
, 2012
Performance evaluation of a combined solar-thermal and heat pump technology in a Net-ZEB under stochastic user-loads
, 2012
From Space Habitats to Zero Emission Buildings (ZEBs) - Space Borne ZEB Enabling Technologies
, 2010
Experimental Assessment of the Energy Performance of an Advanced Responsive Multifunctional Facade Module
, 2012
Design of a Zero Energy Office Building at Haakonsvern
, 2012
Review of Air-to-Air Heat/Energy Exchangers for Use in NZEBs in the Nordic Countries
, 2012
Heat and Mass Transfer in Quasi-Counter Flow Membrane-Based Total Heat Exchanger, Membrane Study
, 2012
Building integrated photovoltaic products: a state-of-the-art review and future research opportunities
, 2012
Vacuum insulation panels in wood frame wall constructions with different stud profiles
, 2012
Design guidelins for energy efficient concepts in office buildings in Norway
, 2011
Zero Emission Building Concepts in Office Buildings in Norway
, 2011
Municipal planning of sustainable neighbourhood: action research and stakeholder dialogue
, 2012
Hot box investigations and theoretical assessment of miscellaneous vacuum insulation panel configuration in building envelopes
, 2011
Energy and buildings research: challenges from tne new production of knowledge
, 2012
Aerogel insulation for building applications: A sate-of-the-art review
, 2011
Dette bygget lager mer energi enn det bruker
, 2012
ZEB-kriterier for nullutslippsbygg – og områder
, 2012
Nye, godt isolerte vinduer dugger mer
, 2012
A numerical model to evaluate the thermal behaviour of PCM glazing system configurations
, 2012
Nanoisolert passivhus
, 2012
Zero Emission Buildings – A National Research Centre
, 2010
Rehabilitering av Trehus bygd på 80-tallet
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings – A National Research Centre
, 2010
Robustness Classification of Building Materials, Building Assemblies and Buildings with respect to PrevailingLoads incorporating Climate and Service Life
, 2009
Passivhus – et robust, komfortabelt og økonomisk skritt mot lavutslippssamfunnet
, 2010
Veien mot volumfasen
, 2010
Passivhus som forskriftskrav i 2013
, 2010
Neste steg – fra passivhus til nullutslippsbygg
, 2010
Status ZEB – Zero Emission Buildings
, 2010
Forskningsprogrammet ZEB
, 2010
Fremtidens bygninger – et svar på klimautfordringen?
, 2010
Our Future Buildings
, 2010
Fremtidens bygninger kan være det viktigste svaret på klimautfordringene
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings and their architectural implications
, 2010
Fremtidens bygninger – et viktig svar på klimautfordringene
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings – the Norwegian Approach
, 2010
A zero emission built environment – possible and desirable
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings – the Norwegian Approach
, 2010
Hvordan oppnå klimanøytrale bygg
, 2010
Fremtidens bygninger – et svar på klimautfordringen?
, 2010
Passivhus – Utfordringer for byggebransjen
, 2010
Passivhus- og nullenergibygg – Hvordan skal trevarefabrikkene bidra?
, 2010
Eksempler på løsninger – Passivhus/lavenergi – Må nye bygg reises i telt
, 2010
Fra energisluk til nullenergihus – Hvor god tid har vi ?
, 2010
Fremtidens miljøkrav – byggebransjens transformasjon de neste 30 årene
, 2010
Presentasjon av fremtidens bygg, - passivhus og smarte energiløsninger
, 2010
Integrated Energy Design for Zero Emission Buildings
, 2010
Sustainable Energy Supply for Low Energy and Passive House Developments. 5 Norwegian Case Studies
, 2010
Nordic Analysis of Climate Friendly Buildings
, 2010
Forskningssenter for miljøvennlig energi: Zero Emission Buildings
, 2010
Hvor kan det spares, og hvordan går vi frem
, 2010
Zero Emission Buildings – A National Research Centre
, 2010
Energieffektive bygg for fremtiden – tendenser i markedet
, 2010
Optimization of thermal performance in traditional wood-frame and masonry walls
, 2010
Predicting the airtightness of wood-frame houses
, 2010
Weber.therm LockPlate System ETICS with integrated VIP
, 2010
Retrofitting with VIPsCase study: house from the 1930’s
, 2010
Vacuum Insulation Panels-Experimental Investigations of Durability and Application in Retrofitting
, 2010
The Effect of Wall-Integrated Phase Change Material Panels on the Indoor Air and Wall Temperature –Hot-box Experiments
, 2010
Aerogel in Expanded polystyrene (EPS)experimental investigations
, 2010
Oppgraderig av et typehus fra 80-tallet til en energieffektiv bolig etter framtidens standard – hva gjør vi da?
, 2010
Snow downfall on solar cell roofs - How to maximize solar efficiency?
, 2010
Electrochromic materials for solar radiation control in buildings
, 2010
Nanotechnology and new solar cell materials and systems - The need for long-term climate exposure and durability testing
, 2010
Nanoelectrochromics: Materials and methodologies
, 2010
Miljøvennlig varmeforsyning til lavenergi- og passivhus. En casestudie.
, 2010
Nordic Analysis of Climate Friendly Buildings
, 2010
User evaluations of passive houses and low energy buildings – Literature Review and Further Research
, 2010
Sustainable innovation in the building sector. An overview
, 2010
Towards zero emission buildings, settlements and cities. An introduction.
, 2010
Sustainable innovation in the building sector. A user perspective
, 2010
Domesticating the built environment
, 2010
Dealing with uncertainty in sustainable innovation: mainstreaming and substitution
, 2010
Zero Energy Building – A Review of definitions and calculation methodologies
, 2011
Marienlyst skole – Norges første passivhusskole
, 2010
Towards a Zero Emission Built Environment in Norway
, 2012
Sustainable Energy Supply for Passive House Developments. 4 Norwegian Case studies
, 2010
Load Matching and Grid Interaction of Net Zero Energy Buildings
, 2010
From Passive House to Zero Emission Building: How much electricity generation is needed?
, 2010
On the proper integration of wood stoves for the space-heating of passive houses
, 2012
Comfort and Energy Efficiency Recommendations for Net Zero Energy Buildings
, 2010
Fremtidens bygninger i et livsløpsperspektiv - materialbruk og CO2 utstlipp
, 2012
Effektiv energibruk og energiforsyning/lokal produksjon i fremtidens bygninger
, 2012
Krav og forventninger til temperatur og luftkvalitet i fremtidens bygninger
, 2012
Fremtidens bygninger – hvordan og hvorfor?
, 2012
Criteria for Definition of Net Zero Energy Buildings
, 2010
ZEB Definition: Assessing the Implications for Design
, 2010
Proposal of a Norwegian ZEB definition: Storylines and Criteria
, 2010
Accelerated Laboratory Ageing of Vacuum Insulation Panels
, 2011
Effect of Ageing on Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels
, 2010
Retrofitting of Timber Frame Walls by Application of Vacuum Insulation Panels and Investigations of Moisture Robustness
, 2011
Dynamic Solar Radiation Control in Buildings by Applying Electrochromic Materials
, 2010
Application of Vacuum Insulation Panels in Retrofitting of Timber Frame Walls – An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Moisture, Thermal Performance and Robustness
, 2010
Accelerated Ageing of Vacuum Insulation Panels
, 2010
The Thermal Performance of Wall-Integrated Phase Change Material Panels – Hot Box Experiments
, 2010
Nanoelectrochromics with Applied Materials and Methodologies
, 2010
Nano Technology and Possibilities for the Thermal Building Insulation Materials of Tomorrow
, 2010
Experimental Examination of the Thermal Transmittance of High Performance Window Frames and Comparison with Numerical Simulations
, 2010
Forsvarsbygg inngår prosjekteringskontrakter
, 2011
Konkurrerer om fremtidens blokk
, 2011
Klart for Norsk Tredag
, 2011
Norske arkitekter utfordres av Enova
, 2011
Konferanse om arkitekturforskning utsettes
, 2011
Statsbesøk på NTNU/SINTEF
, 2011
Hydro og Snøhetta skal bygge energinøytralt
, 2011
Vakuumisolasjonspaneler og utviklingen videre
, 2011
Utredning av ZEB-boligområde på Ådland i Bergen
, 2011
Thermal and Hygrothermal Assessment of Polystyrene Encapsulated Vacuum Insulation Panels - Experimental and Numerical Investigations
, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven M.Sc.thesis
, 2011
User evaluations of energy efficient buildings. The interplay of buildings and users in seven European case studies
, 2011
Nanomaterials for insulation application in Zero Emission Buildings
, 2011
Europe’s buildings under the microscope - A country-by-country review of the energy performance of buildings
, 2011
Erfaringer med bygningsintegrerte solfangere i Norge
, 2011
Optimaliserte bygnignsfysiske tiltak for oppgradering av 80-talls eneboliger
, Bachelor degree thesis, Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag
, 2011
Early decision tools in selecting renewable energy solutions for Zero Emission Buildings
, NTNU Master Thesis
, 2011
CO2 emissions in different scenarios of electricity generation in Europe
, 2011
Proposal for CO2-factor for electricity and outline of a full ZEB-definition
, 2011
Solar Heating and Architecture – an inspirational guide to the use of solar heating in buildings
, 2011
Solvarme og Arkitektur – en inspirationsguide til anvendelse af solvarme i byggeriet
, 2011
Vakuumisolasjonspanel og utviklingen videre – Teknologi for tynnere vegger
, 2011
Vindusløsninger for rehabilitering
, 2011
"Cool Roofing" i nordisk klima – en motsigelse eller et potensial for energisparing?
, 2011
Vinduer i nær og fjern framtid
, 2011
Framtidens vinduer – Hvordan blir de?
, 2011
The research centre on Zero Emission Buildings- ZEB
, 2011
The research centre on Zero Emission Buildings – ZEB
, 2011
Vi snakker om miljø og dokumentasjon av CO2 utslipp, men hvordan gjør vi det? Resultater for trebygninger ved bruk av forskjellige beregningsverktøy, ZEB og Framtre
, 2011
High performance building services in Zero Emission Buildings – do all the electrical gadgets really save energy?
, 2011
Net ZEB definition article – status
, 2011
Oppgradering av 80-tallshus til passivhusnivå, -Hvilke tiltak er mest effektive?– Hva er økonomisk gunstig?
, 2011
Norwegian National Centre for Environmentfriendly Energy Research: Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB)
, 2011
Designing for ideal users: how experts in the construction sector interpret users’ behaviours
, 2011
Cool roofing in cold climates: A contradiction or a potential for energy savings?
, 2011
Nanomaterials for Thermal Building Insulation
, 2011
The ZEB project and Advanced Materials for Zero Emission Buildings
, 2011
Status ZEB – Zero Emission Buildings
, 2011
Towards zero energy and zero emission buildings and districts: trends and drivers
, 2011
Klimanøytrale bygninger
, 2011
Solenergi – noe for Norge?
, 2011
Future buildings – a response to the climate change
, 2011
All buildings are still solar buildings
, 2011
Solenergi i arkitekturen
, 2011
Zero emission buildings – the Norwegian approach
, 2011
FME-senteret ZEB – hva skjer?
, 2011
Materials for Zero Emission Buildings - Properties, Requirements and Possibilities
, 2011
Efficient space-heating of super-insulated envelopes: detailed dynamic simulation of wood stoves in a detached house typology
, 2011
Energy use for fans and occupant’s influence on energy use
, 2011
Optimization of energy supply system in residential Net-ZEB
, 2011
Resilience thinking, architecture & the urban landscape
, 2011
Towards new configurations of work, life and energy? The role of the longue durée
, 2011
Påvirker miljø- og klimasituasjonen i verden våre valg for hus og hjem?
, 2011
Hva kan vi vite om framtidens bo- og arbeidsformer?
, 2011
In the Morning I Just Need a Long, Hot Shower: A Sociology of the (Re)Distribution of the Energy Sensible
, 2011
The Role of Product and System Interfaces in Designing Zero Emission Buildings
, 2011
Development of a CO2 emissions accounting method for Norwegian Zero Emission Buildings
, 2011
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Polystyrene Encapsulated Vacuum Insulation Panels- Heat Transfer Results
, 2011
Qualitative user evaluation of energy efficient buildings – Case studies of six passive houses and zero-energy buildings
, 2011
Understanding Net Zero Energy Buildings: Evaluation of load matching and grid interaction indicators
, 2011
Strategies for renovation of single family dwellings from the 1980s towards zero energy levels
, 2011
Energy savings potential with electrochromic switchable glazing
, 2011
Vacuum and Nanotechnologies for the Thermal Insulation Materials of Beyond Tomorrow - From Concept to Experimental Investigations
, 2011
Solar Shading Systems and Thermal Performance of Windows in Nordic Climates
, 2011
Numerical Assessment of various PCM glazing system configurations. Energy performance assessment of a responsive building envelope component: Results from a numerical analysis.
, 2011
Passivhusekspert Tor Helge Dokka spår fjernvarmens død
, 2012
Fremtidens energieffektive hus
, 2012
Nanomaterials for advanced window technologies
, 2011
Façade Integration Typologies of Photovoltaics. Architecture and sustainable development.
, 2011
Aging Effects on Thermal Properties and Service Life of Vacuum Insulation Panels
, 2011
Improving Thermal Insulation of Timber Frame Walls by Retrofitting with Vacuum Insulation Panels – Experimental and Theoretical Investigations
, 2011
The actress concept. A new facade module for low energy buildings
, 2011
PCM Application - Effect on energy use and Indoor temperature
, 2012
Emissions Accounting for ZEB Shoebox Office Model: - Strategies for optimalizing the operational energy supply - Strategies for reducing the emboidied carbon from a life cycle perspective
, 2012
The Impacts on Solar Access and Energy Demand of Different Building Masses in Linear Buildings Forms
, 2012
The impact of building morphology on energy consumption
, 2012
Architectural Integration of Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Collector Systems into buildings
, 2012
Energy Retrofits of Residential Buildings - impact on architectural quality & occupants' comfort
, 2012
Transformation of a barn at Camphill Rotvoll
, 2012
The Potential of Facade-Integrated Ventilation Systems in Nordic Climate
, 2012
Thermal mass activitation - PowerHouse
, 2012
Comparative Analysis of PV Shading Devices for Eneregy Performance and Daylight
, 2012
Sustainable residential ventilation
, 2012
A guide to daylighting and solar shading systems at high latitudes
, 2011
Fenestration solutions for zero emission renovation of dwellings
, 2011
Investigation of the space-heating using wood stoves in very low-energy houses
, 2011
Investigation of space-heating strategies in very low-energy houses using dynamic simulations: case of decentralized wood stoves approaches
, 2011
Proposal of a Norwegian ZEB definition: Assessing the Implications for Design
, 2011
Fenestration of Today and Tomorrow: A State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Opportunities
, 2011
Traditional, state-of-the-art and future thermal building insulation materials and solutions – Properties, requirements and possibilities
, 2011
User Evaluations of Energy Efficient Buildings – Literature Review and Further Research
, 2011
Key Elements of and Materials Performance Targets for Highly Insulating Window Frames
, 2011
Lifetime commissioning as a tool to achieve energy-efficient solutions
, 2011
Domesticating Spaces: Sociotechnical Studies and the Built Environment
, 2011
Veggtykkelse 40 cm skremselspropaganda
, 2012
Varmere hus med ny og bedre isolasjon
, 2012
Passivhus – Nullhus – Plusshus. Nullhus skal danke ut passivhus
, 2012
Nedslitt blokk skal bli energiforbilde
, 2012
Avspark for plusshus-rehabilitering
, 2012
Zero Emission Buildings – produkter og løsninger for eksisterende bygninger
, 2012
Bærekraftig rehabilitering av eneboliger mot nullenerginivå
, 2012
Life Cycle Cost Perspectives on Zero Energy Renovation of a Single Family House
, 2012
Passive House as normality?
, 2012
The Path to the Building Integrated Photovoltaics of Tomorrow
, 2012
State-of-the-Art Building Integrated Photovoltaics
, 2012
Integrated energy design – the architectural approach
, 2012
Fremtidsens bygg – veien mot nullutslippsbygg utfordrer oss til nye løsninger
, 2012
On the proper integration of wood stoves in passive houses: investigation using dynamic simulations
, 2012
Experimental Fabrication and Characterization of Hollow Nano Insulation Material Spheres for Application as a Thermal Building Insulation Material
, 2012
Influence of stochastic loads on the performance of energy system in Net-ZEB
, 2012
Performance estimation and documentation of an integrated energy supply solution
, 2012
FM-departments and central control and monitoring systems
, 2012
Kicking the habit. What happens after people have decided to invest in energy efficient technologies?
, 2012
Fremtidens hus og boformer
, 2012
Improved measurements for better decision on heat recovery solutions with heat pumps
, 2012
Energy performance assessment of a responsive building envelope component: Results from a numerical analysis
, 2011
Net zero energy builings: A consistent definition framework
, 2012
Environmental and economic performance of heating systems for energy-efficient dwellings: Case of passive and low-energy single-family houses
, 2012
Identifying important variables of energy use in low energy office building by using multivariate analysis
, 2012