annual report 2014
What becomes more and more evident now, when we can look back on five
years of activity, is that the building industry in Norway gains substantially
from the new knowledge and competence that we develop together here. The
centre has demonstrated the ability to bridge basic research with applied new
solutions in real live pilot projects to the satisfaction of our industry partners.
As the single largest research project on sustainable buildings in Norway, ZEB
represents a benchmark for the necessary research ambitions needed in the
building industry to contribute to a sustainable future. With three years to go we
are now approaching the harvesting phase of the project where collecting data
from our pilot projects and dissemination of new knowledge becomes more and
more important.
I am proud to be part of this journey as new chairman of the board.
Host institution
Faculty of architecture and fine art, NTNU -
Visiting address
Alfred Getz vei 3, Sentrabygg 1, 8
7034 Trondheim
Centre Director
Arild Gustavsen, NTNU
arild.gustavsen@ntnu.noCentre Manager
Anne Gunnarshaug Lien, SINTEF
anne.g.lien@sintef.noAdministration contact
Katrine Peck Sze Lim, NTNU
peck.lim@ntnu.noThe Board members
Fredrik Shetelig, NTNU (chair)
Arild Gustavsen, NTNU
Jonas Holme, SINTEF Byggforsk
Kim Robert Lisø, Skanska
Phillipp Müller, SAPA Group
Zdena Cervenka, Statsbygg
Tine Hegli, Snøhetta
Jens Petter Burud, Caverion
Oddvar Hyrve, Weber AS
Leaders of the Work Packages
Bjørn Petter Jelle, NTNU/SINTEF
Berit Time, SINTEF
Hans Martin Mathisen, NTNU
Thomas Berker, NTNU
Birgit Risholt, SINTEF
birgit.risholt@sintef.noZEB is the Norwegian locomotive
for sustainable architecture
Fredrik Shetelig
Chairman ZEB | Dean NTNU