Page 14 - ZEB AnnualReport 2015
P. 14

In 2015 the main activities in WP4 have   the time frame of the centre.  ZEB Centre and within other projects using
       been:                               The main research activities in 2015 in   ZEB Living Laboratory and ZEB Test Cell

       • Pilot buildings: Evaluation of the building   WP5 have been:          Laboratory
       process, initial use phase, and daily   • ZEB deinition                 The construction of the following
       operation and use                                                       laboratories has been completed:
       • ZEB living Lab                    • Implementation of ZEBs in norms and   • ZEB Living Laboratory
       • Green leases and other measures to   • Evaluation of pilot buildings   • ZEB Test Cell Laboratory
       deal with the “principal actor problem” in
       the built environment (in collaboration with   • Follow-up design and construction  The buildings are being used for studies of
       NTNU’s Centre for Real Estate Facilities   • Generalization of results   user-technology interaction and research
       Management)                                                             on interconnected zero emission building
       • “ZEBonomics”. Conclusion: Market   Activities and results connected to several   technologies. The laboratory facilities are an
                                           ZEB pilot buildings are elaborated upon in
       potential and market creation “     the results chapter.                arena for risk reduction in implementation of
       The residential experiment in the ZEB                                   zero emission building technologies.
       Living Laboratory is described in the results                           The ZEB laboratories are further described
       chapter.                            Laboratories and Infrastructure:    in the results chapter.
                                           Goal: Development and operation of
       WP5: Concepts and Strategies for    building laboratories for investigation, testing
       Zero Emission Buildings             and demonstration of new and innovative
                                           building technologies.
       Goal: Development of concrete concepts
       for zero emission buildings which can be   Experiments have been and are being
       translated into realized pilot buildings within   carried out in these facilities, both within the

       The RAWI box in Sintef Laboratorium in Trondheim. Photo: Remy Eik/SINTEF

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