Næringsbygg blir kraftverk. Rehabiliterte bygg som prduserer energi kan dekke inn mer enn 40 prosent av verdens energiforbruk. Oppslag i Aftenposten vedrørende oppussing av kontorbygg på Kjørbo i Bærum.
Published in Media contributions
Zero emission buildings (ZEB) are buildings with a minimized energy consumption and renewable energy supply with zero greenhouse gas emissions. There is no common accepted definition of zero emission buildings. This is due to issues in defining the boundary of a balance in terms of building site and time frame of this balance. Further, there is no standard on accounting for emissions (on material, components, system, and building level) nor is there a standard for emissions from other building related environments. In this paper the goals for ZEB are specified and implications for components are discussed.
Published in Journal papers
Moving away from the annual energy budget and including the emissions of the entire building lifetime during construction, operation, and disposal is a key aspect of ZEB. This can be summarised in an emission inventory of operation and building components and services. The aim of this paper is to investigate the emission balance of both operational and the embodied energy in different highly energy efficient buildings concepts which are worth considering toward achieving Zero emission buildings. In this work four concepts for energy efficient buildings are identified which could provide stepping stones towards a definition of ZEB. These concepts were…
Published in Conference papers

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