Birgit Risholt


Ph.D. Student Birgit Risholt has submitted the following academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology:

"Zero energy renovation of single family houses"


The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art has appointed the following evaluation committee to assess the thesis:

  • First Opponent: Director General/Professor Gudni A. Jóhannesson, National Energy Authority of Iceland
  • Second Opponent: Professor Kajsa Ellegård, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Third Opponent: Professor Inger Andresen, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

 Associate Professor Bendik Manum, Department of Architectural Design, History and Technology has been appointed administrator of the committee.

The main supervisor has been Professor Anne Grete Hestnes, Department of Architectural Design, History and Technology and the co-supervisors have been senior researcher Berit Time, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure and Professor Tore Kvande, Department of Civil and Transport Engineering.

The trial lecture will take place on 7th of June, 2013 at 10.15 in Totalrommet, 2nd floor, Main Building, Gløshaugen on the following topic:

"The focus is on CO2 emissions rather than on energy use. What are the consequences of this when building new buildings? "

The public defence of the thesis will take place on the 7th of June, 2013 at 13.15 in Totalrommet, 2nd floor, Main Building, NTNU, Gløshaugen.

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Past events

Brød & Miljø

09 October 2013 08:00 - 10:00

Oslo, Norway

Passivhus Norden

15 October 2013 00:00 - 17 October 2013 00:00

Gothenburg, Sweden

Lunch Lecture

18 October 2013 12:00 - 13:00

Trondheim, Norway

Brød & Miljø - Frokost med faglig påfyll

13 November 2013 08:00 - 10:00

Oslo, Norway

Seminar om solceller - ZenN

18 November 2013 09:45 - 14:00

Oslo, Norway

Seminar: Energieffektiv behovsstyrt ventilasjon. Utforming - krav - overlevering

19 November 2013 10:00 - 16:00

Oslo, Norway

Frokostmøte: Framtidens byer

04 December 2013 08:00 - 11:00

Bergen, Norway

KLIMAX Frokostseminar

11 December 2013 08:00 - 10:00

Trondheim, Norway

Lunch Lecture

11 December 2013 12:00 - 13:00

Trondheim, Norway

H2020 - Dybdeworkshop, Trondheim 6. januar

06 January 2014 13:00 - 17:00

Trondheim, Norway

H2020 - Dybdeworkshop, Oslo 14. januar 2014

14 January 2014 08:15 - 12:00

Oslo, Norway

Partnermøte hos VELUX Danmark

15 January 2014 00:00

Horsholm, Denmark

Kurs: Plusshus i Norge - Eksempel Kjørbo

21 January 2014 09:00 - 16:00

Oslo, Norway


28 January 2014 00:00 - 29 January 2014 06:00

Trondheim, Norway

Lerchendalkonferansen 2014

04 February 2014 00:00 - 05 February 2014 06:00

Trondheim, Norway