
Abstract The Zero Village Bergen consists of a total floor area of ca. 92 000 m2, with more than 700 dwellings divided between terraced houses (68% of total floor area) and apartment blocks (25%) and some area dedicated to non-residential purposes such as offices, shops, and a kindergarten (7%). The project is currently in the planning phase and the strategy for achieving the ZEB-O goal1 is based on three steps: first, minimize energy demand through energy efficiency of the buildings; second, maximize PV generation on the buildings' footprint; and third, consider additional measures onsite and nearby (e.g. local heating system…

Plusshus med potensial
Authors: Publication Year: 2016

Windows are a key component in the building envelope. They are often, thought of as energy drains and something associated with excessive energy demands in a building. However, in order to assess the energy performance of a window, several factors must be addressed. The most important issues to consider are energy losses due to heat transmission through windows, energy gains from solar radiation as well as transmitted visible light and the influence on artificial lighting demands. Factors like thermal and visual comfort in buildings are additional factors that need to be assessed and addressed. Existing work that has been carried…

This PhD thesis provides an analysis of central processes related to the creation, negotiation and communication of the future sustainable building in Norway. Both researchers and practitioners have pointed at the Planning and Building Act as a central means to speed up the process and to set the frames for a sustainable development. Based on interviews with experts, I conclude that the building laws are never a direct translation of research results, EU directives and international agreements. These have to be translated, adapted and mediated, i.e. domesticated, to the Norwegian climate and cultural conditions. Particularly in Norway, building researchers consider…

Fra et refleksivt praktiker-ståsted, undersøker avhandlingen utfordringer med kunnskapsintegrasjon på tvers av bygningssektorene. Et kritisk standpunkt blir testet konseptuelt og eksperimentelt i et tverrfaglig rammeverk som binder sammen litteratur fra arkitektur, byggvitenskap, byplanlegging og teknologi- og vitenskapsstudier (STS). Det empiriske grunnlaget for studien er intervjuer og spørreundersøkelser, som sammen utgjør et case fra Sveits. Avhandlingen evaluerer antagelser og praksiser knyttet til politikk for bærekraft og strategier for karbonreduksjon, i forhold til bygninger og det bygde miljøet. Studien er artikkelbasert, og rommer fire artikler som på forskjellige måter knytter teoretiske diskusjoner i feltet til praksis og politikkutvikling.   Addressing the problem…

Sammendrag Denne rapporten beskriver resultatene fra et prosjekt hvor vi har gjennomgått og diskutert erfaringer fra et utvalg utbyggingsprosjekter i Norge hvor man har hatt spesielt høye ambisjoner med hensyn tilenergibruk og klimagassutslipp. Prosjektets målsetning er å bidra til økt kunnskap om gode løsninger for utforming av bygninger og energiforsyning for fremtidens boligområder, samt danne underlag for enveileder til bruk i planleggingsprosessen. Hovedkonklusjonen er at det er behov for mer kunnskap og veiledningsmateriale om hvordan man kan integrere dette tidlig i planprosessen. Følgende punkter erspesielt viktige:  Fokus på integrert, tverrfaglig prosjektering fra tidligfase. Formulering av konkrete krav/målsetninger i tidligfase. Undersøkelse av tilgjengelighet og…

This thesis investigates how the occupant behavior influences the performance of residential net zero emission buildings (Net-ZEB) in cold climates such as in Norway, and proposes guidelines for better design, operation and control strategies. The thesis focuses on the occupant related variations in the internal gains and the domestic hot water use, and studies their influence on the building’s heating needs, its heating system performance and finally, its interaction with the onsite renewable generation and the grid. The application of the tightly insulated envelope in Net-ZEB significantly reduces the space heating needs. This increases the share of the occupant-related heat…

This report deals with how to define what a Zero Emission Building (ZEB) is with explanation and analysis of different parameters related to embodied emissions of CO2 equivalents. The report can be used as a guidance tool on how to assess embodied emissions, and also on what parameters should be evaluated in such an assessment. Different ambition levels for ZEBs may include life stages, operation, material, construction and end-of-life and can be documented according to EN 15978. Calculation procedures should include system boundaries, embodied emissions from materials, transport, the construction process and waste handling according to the ambition level. CO2 eq…

Abstract The increasing energy consumption and its consequences have led to a major need for energy saving measures. Therefore, the passive house concept has been introduced. Passive houses have a low heating demand, so that it is theoretically possible to simplify the space heating distribution system by for example reduce the number of radiators. It has therefore been investigated if one central heat source can give sufficient thermal comfort in a whole housing unit. Research shows, with the use of simulations for Belgian climate, that thermal comfort can be obtained in the whole dwelling if the internal doors are open.…

Abstract During the uncontrolled consumption period the building sector has come to account one of the greatest proportions of greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in industrial countries. In this context, European countries have decided to address the environmental challenge by promoting the use of renewable energies and the implementation of low energy consumption requirements. For these reasons, zero emission buildings, which have a net zero annual energy demand, were regarded as a possible solution. And everything points to believe that they will continue to be crucial in a recent future. Consultants and contractors have shown the need towards a…

Abstract The research center of Zero Emissions Buildings (ZEB) has a goal of eliminating the greenhouse gas emissions associated with all phases of building development and use. This is achieved through more sustainable building construction and more efficient energy use. The Norwegian government has a similar goal of achieving zero energy buildings as a standard by 2020. This has led to proper investigation in technological solutions that can help to achieve these goals. In a net-ZEB perspective, combined heat and power (CHP) is considered as a potential energy supply solution for buildings. CHP is seen as an emerging technology which…

Abstract Thermal performance of the solar thermal systems are estimated using numerical methods and software since the solar processes are transitient in nature been driven by time dependent forcing functions and loads. The system components are defined with mathematical relationships that describe how components function. They are based on first principles (energy balances, mass balances, rate equations and equilibrium relationships) at one extreme or empirical curve fits to operating data from specific machines such as absorption chillers. The component models are programed i.e. they represent written subroutines which are simultaneously solved with the executive program. In this thesis for executive…

Abstract Because human population is growing at such a high rate, as well as the energy consumption per person, new ways of preserving and efficiently using available energy must be explored. Until new and abundant energy sources are found and means of their exploitation developed, research attention should be focused on finding ways of proper and safe use of what is nowadays available. In that sense, storage of thermal energy plays an important role both in heating and/or cooling applications, such as in residential or commercial buildings, and in industrial processes. Some of the technical solutions are based on phase…

I ZEB, og som en del av arbeidspakke 5 "Konsepter og strategier for nullutslippsbygg", er det gjennomført en studie av to energikonsepter for boligområdet Ådland i Bergen. Ådland ligger ved Flesland rett sør for Bergen sentrum. ByBo AS ønsker å bygge ut fra 500 – 800 boliger på området hvor både de enkelte boligene og området som helhet skal oppfylle kriterier for nullutslippsbygg. I ZEB er det definert ulike ambisjonsnivå for nullutslippsbygg. Den gjennomførte studien anbefaler et ambisjonsnivå ZEB-O som et gjennomsnitt for Ådland området. ZEB-O betyr at området skal være selvforsynt med energi, inklusive elektrisitet og varme, over et…

Addressing the problem of knowledge integration across the building sectors, a critical stance is taken and tested conceptually, as well as experimentally within an interdisciplinary frame that draws together a number of key literatures from architecture, building science, urban studies, and STS. Empirically, the thesis is supported by a set of interviews and questionnaires that form a grounded case of Switzerland, which evaluates the assumptions and practices around sustainability policies and carbon reduction strategies for buildings and the built environment. As an article based dissertation comprised of four articles that are summarized below, the thesis aims to constructively connect theoretical…

Due to the significant impact of the building sector on greenhouse gas emissions, newer and stricter regulations aimed at reducing total energy use in buildings have appeared in the last few years. In the European context, all the new constructions will thus soon be asked to be nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB). In order to reach this target, new concepts and technologies capable of further improving buildings’ energy efficiency need to be developed. A very promising strategy to overcome current technology limitations is represented by revisiting the conventional approach that considers the building as a static object and moves towards…

Green Brøset - Green Swimming Pool
Authors: Publication Year: 2013

Brøset Klimasenter
Authors: Publication Year: 2013

Carbon Debt and Carbon Payback time have recently been introduced into the Norwegian debate on greenhouse gas emissions, challenging the established view that Biofuels are carbon neutral. This report demonstrates that these new concepts are primarily a reflection of how the temporal system boundaries for CO2 emissions from biofuels are viewed. In a short term perspective it is possible that CO2 emissions from biofuels may have a non-zero short term climate effect, even though biofuels will be carbon neutral on the order of a century. Two alternative, more useful new concepts for analysis of climate effects of biofuels are described…

The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings - Annual Report 2012

Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) are a high-performance thermal insulation solution, which offer a much higher heat resistance than traditional insulation materials. Thus, is enabling a reduction in thickness of the building envelope, thereby solving one of the major challenges in today's requirements of energy-efficient buildings. Hence, the area efficiency in buildings will increase, and the slimmer walls may lead to increased daylight admission through the window partitions. Furthermore, it gives the possibility of retrofitting existing buildings towards today's standards within acceptable economical and practical measures.  Reduction of thermal heat resistance is one of the major challenges when using VIP, thus…

I dag har bygninger en andel på 30 % av verdens energiforbruk og står for 20 % av klimagassutslippene globalt sett. Regjeringen har derfor som mål å skjerpe energikravene i byggeteknisk forskrift til passivhusnivå i 2015 og nesten nullutslippsnivå i 2020. For å oppnå et bygg med nesten nullutslippsnivå vil bygget normalt være tilknyttet nettet.  Dette på bakgrunn av at energien importert fra energinettet, til bygningen, er ansvarlig for visse utslipp. Eksport av fornybar energi fra bygningen tilbake til energinettet er ansvarlig for å unngå lignende utslipp av andre (ikke-fornybare) energivarer koblet til samme energinett.Brødrene Dahl ønsker å se på…

A survey among relevant consultants and contractors shows the need for better knowledge and more systematic information in order to make decisions regarding the selection of system for energy supply of ZEBs (Zero Emission Buildings). The ZEB centre aims to develop a computerbased tool for this purpose that will include both a calculation tool and an information database. This assignment will be part of this development. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the cost optimality of different energy systems for a ZEB using the European cost optimal methodology introduced in the context of the EPBD (Energy Performance…

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