Federation of construction industries
BNL - The Federation of Norwegian Construction Industries (including the Construction Products Association) participates in ZEB primarily to emphasise the importance of supporting research into climate and environment-friendly solutions for the construction industry.
Industrial enterprises are moving at full speed into the field of green solutions, and it is important to develop, test and demonstrate new methods and products before their wide scale use. Industrial products have a long life, and long-term damage may be done by using the wrong solutions. The risk exists not only for individual companies, but also for the entire society. There are significant environmental benefits associated with the use of appropriate methods and products.
BNL's role is primarily about connecting the ZEB Centre to the building industry's key venues and channels for the dissemination of results and expertise. Examples of such arenas / channels are Building Week (Byggedagene and Bygg Reis deg), the industry's trade journals, industry websites and newsletters, special thematic meetings / breakfast meetings and the Norwegian Low Energy Programme for the Construction Industry ("Lavenergiprogrammet" - owned jointly by the construction industry and the Norwegian authorities).