Heimdal VGS
Illustrasjon: Skanska og Rambøll/KHR Arkitekter
Illustrasjon: Skanska og Rambøll/KHR Arkitekter
Illustration : Ola Roald Arkitektur AS
Campus Evenstad consists of new office building and educational building.
Location: Anne Evenstads veg 80, 2480 Koppang, Norway.
Size: 1 100 m2 heated floor area
Developer: Statsbygg
Architect: Ola Roald Arkitektur AS
ZEB-partners involved: Statsbygg, SINTEF Byggforsk and NTNU
Level of ambition: ZEB - COM
Illustration : Snøhetta/EVEMultikomfort projecthouse
Location: Ringdalskogen, Larvik, Norway
Size: 200 m2 heated floor area
Developer: Brødrene Dahl and Optimera
Architect: Snøhetta
ZEB-partners involved: Brødrene Dahl, Snøhetta and Isola
Level of ambition: ZEB-OM
Powerhouse Brattørkaia is an office building that is in early design phase.
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Size: 14,000 m2 heated floor area
Developer: Entra Eiendom
Architect: Snøhetta
ZEB-partners involved: Skanska, Snøhetta, Hydro/SAPA and Entra
Level of ambition: ZEB-COM÷EQ
Illustration: Snøhetta AS/MIR
Link til Powerhouse sin hjemmeside
Skarpnes is a private flats complex in early design phase
Location: Arendal, Norway
Size: 5 new detached houses, 770 m2 heated floor area
Developer: Skanska AS
Architect: Rambøll AS
ZEB-partners involved: Skanska, Multiconsult
Level of ZEB-O
Link for the Skarpnes housing website
Link for the Skarpnes project's database from NAL
Illustration: Rambøll AS
Illustration: SnøhettaZero Village Bergen is new dwellings/family homes. Consists of dwellings, kindergarten, business area and energy central.
Location: Bergen
Size: 500-800 family homes
Developer: ByBo
Architect: Snøhetta
ZEB-partners involved: ByBo, Snøhetta and Multiconsult
Level of ambition: ZEB-O/ZEB-OM (ZEB-O for the whole area with single buildings with ZEB-OM ambition)
Powerhouse Kjørbo is an office building that is in early design phase
Location: Sandvika, Oslo, Norway
Size; Two block buildings with 5 000 m2 heated floor area
Developer: Entra Eiendom
Architect: Snøhetta
ZEB-partners involved: Skanska, Snøhetta, Hydro
Level of ambition: ZEB-COM÷EQ
Illustration: Snøhetta/MIR
Link til Powerhouse sin hjemmeside
Link til Entras hjemmeside om Kjørbo
Visund is a new office building for the Norwegian Armed Forces (Forsvarets Logistikkorganisjasjon, FLO)
Location: Bergen
Heated floor area: 2 000 m2
Developer: Forsvarsbygg
Architect: LINK Arkitektur / ABO Plan og Arkitektur
ZEB-partners involved: Forsvarsbygg, Multiconcult
Level of ambition: ZEB-O÷EQ
Illustration: Forsvarsbygg / Link Arkitektur