Picture : Katrine Peck Sze Lim
Living Lab is a multipurpose experimental facility built by Zero Emission Buildings, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Arts, NTNU.
The Living Laboratory is a test facility that is occupied by real persons using the building as their home. The focus is on the occupants and their use of innovative building technologies like intelligent control of installations and equipment, interactive user interfaces and interplay with the energy system as a whole.
The Living Laboratory is used to study various technologies and design strategies in a real world living environment:
- User centred development of new and innovative solutions: The test facility is used within a comprehensive design process focusing on user needs and experiences.
- Performance testing of new and existing solutions: Exploring building performance in a context of realistic usage scenarios.
- Detailed monitoring of the physical behaviour of the building and its installations as well as the users influence on them.
ZEB researcher within the fields of architecture, social science, materials science, building technologies, energy technologies, and indoor climate jointly studies the interaction between the physical environment and the users. The Living Laboratory is important in making sure that the solutions developed within ZEB are tested and verified at an early stage. The Living Laboratory strengthens collaboration between industry partners and researchers.
Presentations, articles about Living Lab:
Følte seg friskere i nullutslippshus. Adressavisa 2016-10-12.
Bli med inn i eit levande laboratorium! Framtida på nett 2016-02-01.
Eit levande laboratorium. Eksperiment i nullutsleppsbygg på Gløshaugen. Presented at Pecha Kucha, 27 Jan 2016, Trondheim, Norway.
Dette huset kan redde verden. TV-adressa 2015-10-23
Bor i et levende laboratorium. Adressavisa på papirutgaven, pp. 8-9. 2015-10-09.
The ZEB Living Laboratory at the Norwegian University of Science and Techonology: a zero emission house for engineering and social science experiments. Published in Proceedings of 7PHN Sustainable Cities and Buildings. 21-21 Aug 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Zero huset i Trondheim søker forsøkskaniner
The ZEB Living Lab: a multi-purpose experimental facility
Her skal folk bo som forsøkskaniner
Nå kan du få teste hvordan det er å bo i et nullhus
Hvordan er det å bo i et nullutslippshus?
Kitchen & Living Lab. Pic: Anne J. Bruland