
Bygg tett
Authors: Publication Year: 2012

Rapporten inneholder et forslag til system for klassifisering av byggetekniske løsningers robusthet. Hensikten med et slikt klassifiseringssystem skal gjøre det lettere for aktører i byggenæringen å velge løsninger og materialer tilpasset ønsket kvalitetsnivå, stedlig klima og den utførendes kompetanse. Byggenæringen må i større grad enn tidligere forholde seg til mange produkter med til dels overlappende bruksområde. Det kan være svært vanskelig å få oversikt over forskjeller i teknisk kvalitet og hvilke produkter som er mest hensiktsmessig i det enkelte byggeprosjekt.

Tradisjonelt har norske småhus hatt et kaldt loft med lufteåpninger i takutstikket. Luftingen av loftet skulle både sørge for en kald takflate og hindre fuktskader på undertak og taksperrer. De siste årene har det blitt vanligere at småhus bygges med et uluftet, kaldt loftsrom. I stedet brukes et dampåpent undertak og lufting under taktekkingen. En del slike loftsrom har fått kondens og vekst av muggsopp på undertaket. Denne rapporten viser årsaker og viktige tiltak for å unngå problemet.

Mange fuktproblemer viser at det er viktig å velge veggkonstruksjoner mot terreng med god sikkerhet mot skader. God sikkerhet mot kondensskader får man ved å plassere all isolasjon på utsiden eller inne i veggen. Men i svært mange nye byggeprosjekter i dag blir det benyttet en plass-støpt betongvegg som isoleres utvendig og innvendig. Den innvendige isolasjonen er ofte en bindingsverkvegg. Denne rapporten presenterer resultater fra målinger i et lite forsøkshus med en denne typen yttervegg mot terreng. Huset er bygd ved lokalene til SINTEF Byggforsk i Oslo

Realisation of Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) for residential use depends on, among many other things, minimizing air leakages. However, very airtight houses will have an increased risk for problems regarding indoor humidity, thermal comfort and indoor air quality. Focusing on ventilation systems becomes a requirement in this situation. For cold climates, mechanical ventilation systems are the state of the art solution and in order to achieve a further reduction in energy use, the focus must be on efficient energy recovery. This paper focuses on a quasi-counter flow membrane-based heat and moisture recovery system for cold climates such as the…

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) are photovoltaic (PV) modules integrated into the building envelope and hence also replacing traditional parts of the building envelope, e.g. the roofing. In this context, the BIPVs integration with the building envelope limits the costs by serving dual purposes. BIPVs have a great advantage compared to non-integrated systems because there is neither need for allocation of land nor stand-alone PV systems. This study seeks to outline various commercially available approaches to BIPVs and thus provides a state-of-the-art review. In addition, possible future research opportunities are explored. The various categories of BIPVs may be divided into photovoltaic…

In this work, the thermal performance of three different wall configurations was examined by hot box measurements and numerical simulations. Vacuum insulation panels were sandwiched between traditional insulation in walls where the load-bearing elements were standard 36-mm-thick wooden studs, I-profiled studs and U-profiled studs. The measured mean values of the thermal transmittance (U-value) were 0.09 W/m2·K with 36-mm-thick wooden studs, 0.10 W/m2·K with U-profiled studs and 0.11 W/m2·K with I-profiled studs. The comparison of the three wall structures has shown that with such low U-values, the numerical simulations are more sensitive to the accuracy of the dimensions and thermal conductivities…

How can researchers and planners best facilitate the transition to low-carbon societies? In particular, can they initiate better dialogue in order to foster stakeholder engagement in planning, building and living in low-carbon settlements? These challenges inform a municipal planning process for a new neighbourhood in Trondheim, Norway: Brøset, as well as for an interdisciplinary research project exploring the role of action research in supporting the transition to low-carbon societies. The processes are described for identifying the central actors and applying the dialogue strategies in the early planning project phase. Researchers and planners collaborated to contribute to new knowledge production and…

Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) are regarded as one of the most promising existing high performance thermal insulation solutions on the market today as their thermal performance typically range 5–10 times better than traditional insulation materials. However, the VIPs have several disadvantages such as risk of puncturing by penetration of nails and that they cannot be cut or fitted at the construction site. Furthermore, thermal bridging due to the panel envelope and load-bearing elements may have a large effect on the overall thermal performance. Finally, degradation of thermal performance due to moisture and air diffusion through the panel envelope is also…

The current state and future challenges of energy and buildings research are explored from the perspective of the social study of science. Major trends in knowledge production are considered for practices within current energy and buildings research. New forms of knowledge production hold the potential to provide clearer strategies to overcome barriers between researchers and practitioners. These are investigated through an explorative survey of researchers based on their own accounts of energy and buildings research, their expectations of future challenges, and their perceptions of ‘good’ science. Two sets of challenges from knowledge production arise for building energy research. First, with…

Powerhouse One
Authors: Publication Year: 2012

Effekt- og energisimuleringer
Authors: Publication Year: 2012

Authors: Publication Year: 2012

Næringsbygg blir kraftverk. Rehabiliterte bygg som prduserer energi kan dekke inn mer enn 40 prosent av verdens energiforbruk. Oppslag i Aftenposten vedrørende oppussing av kontorbygg på Kjørbo i Bærum.

Men kondens på utsiden av glasset er godt tegn for strømregningen.

The adoption of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in building components is an up-to-date topic and a relevant number of research activities on this issue is currently on the way. A particular application of PCMs in the building envelope focuses on the integration of such a kind of material into transparent envelope components. A numerical model that describes the thermo-physical behaviour of a PCM layer in combination with other transparent materials (i.e. glass panes) is developed to perform numerical analyses on various PCM glazing systems configurations. The paper illustrates the structure of the model, the main equations implemented and the hypotheses…

Moving away from the annual energy budget and including the emissions of the entire building lifetime during construction, operation, and disposal is a key aspect of ZEB. This can be summarised in an emission inventory of operation and building components and services. The aim of this paper is to investigate the emission balance of both operational and the embodied energy in different highly energy efficient buildings concepts which are worth considering toward achieving Zero emission buildings. In this work four concepts for energy efficient buildings are identified which could provide stepping stones towards a definition of ZEB. These concepts were…

The introduction of dynamic envelope components and systems can have a significant reduction effect on heating and cooling demands. In addition, it can contribute to reduce the energy demand for artificial lighting by better utilization of the daylight. One of these promising technologies is Phase Change Materials (PCM). Here, the latent heat storage potential of the transition between solid and liquid state of a material is exploited to increase the thermal mass of the component. A PCM layer incorporated in a transparent component can increase the possibilities to harvest energy from solar radiation by reducing the heating/cooling demand and still…

Dagens byggeforskrifter krever mye ekstra dokumentasjon om en ikke skal ha balansert ventilasjon, og dette legger i praksis sterke føringer for valg av ventilasjonsløsning. Imidlertid er klimagassutslipp med ulike ventilasjons-konsept i liten grad undersøkt.  

The zero-energy project Skarpnes residential development in Arendal in Norway consists of a total of 40 dwelling units. The energy goal of the buildings is net zero-energy on a yearly level. In addition, the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) related to the operational energy of the buildings shall also be zero on an annual basis. There is also an aim achieving low embodied energy and GHG emissions related to the buildings materials and products. The thermal demand of the buildings will be covered by heat pumps and thermal solar collectors. To reach the zero energy/emission goal, the roofs are partly covered…

Sandwich elements are widely used in the building envelope, in walls and foundations in particular. The thickness of sandwich elements is increasing as the demand for reduced heat loss from the building envelope is required. The building industry is searching for means and alternative materials to reduce the volume of the building envelope, but at the same time obtain the same thermal performance. Sandwich element constructions might be suitable for highly effective insulation materials as VIPs (Vacuum Insulation Panels). The possibilities of optimizing the thermal performance and by the same time decreasing the thickness and reducing the volume of aggregated…

While the design and construction of envelopes for Passive House certified homes in central European climates is well developed and has achieved widespread acceptance and reliability, the same cannot be said in colder climate regions such as the United States’ upper Midwest (DOE climate zones 6 and 7) and Scandinavia. The objective of this research was to study some of the typical building performance issues relating to Passive House envelope construction for single family homes in cold climates by testing and developing a group of 8 envelope options. Typical issues include unfamiliarity with performance of thermal bridge details, added embodied…

Depotbygget på Haakonsvern, Bergen
Authors: Publication Year: 2012

An office building of about 2000 m2 heated floor area is being designed for the Norwegian Defense Estates Agency (Forsvarsbygg). The building will be located at Haakonsvern, about 15 km from the centre of Bergen, Norway. The design aims at meeting the ZEB criterion of net zero energy balance for building operation during a year. The energy for operation of the plug loads (computers, printers, etc.) is not included in the balance.

“Powerhouse” is an alliance that will demonstrate that it is possible to build plus-energy buildings in cold climates, such as in Norway. For the Powerhouse project in Trondheim (Brattørkaia 17a), PV panels will produce and offset the delivered energy needed during the operation and for compensating the embodied energy of the building. The building will thus export more electricity than it will use for operation. In a broader environmental perspective, an aim of this project is also to achieve the classification “Outstanding” in the BREEAM-NOR environmental certification scheme. Energy efficiency measures and materials with low embodied energy have been crucial…

Nanoisolert passivhus
Publication Year: 2012

Arild Gustavsen vil gjøre passivhusveggen tynnere ved å bruke nanoisolasjon.

Boligområdet Skarpnes i Arendal
Authors: Publication Year: 2012

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