
The building enclosure plays a relevant role in the management of the energy flows in buildings and in the exploitation of solar energy at a building scale. An optimized configuration of the façade can contribute to reduce the total energy demand of the building. Traditionally, the search for the optimal façade configuration is obtained by analyzing the heating demand and/or the cooling demand only, while the implication of the façade configuration on artificial lighting energy demand is often not addressed. A comprehensive approach (i.e. including heating, cooling and artificial lighting energy demand) is instead necessary to reduce the total energy…

Net zero energy buildings (nZEBs) are understood as grid-connected buildings which do not require net inputs of non-renewable energy over a defined period of their life cycle. Energy requirements of nZEBs have until now been assessed based on the impact buildings have on the existing energy system. This paper introduces a new approach to nZEB energy balance that takes into account the actual amount of energy nZEBs require. Energy balance methods previously proposed for nZEBs are illustrated in a new way and expressed in a series of equations based on a common terminology. Taking a different standpoint on the very…

The aim of the study was to define an energy supply solutions for a low-energy commercial building in cold climates. A new low-energy office building built with high quality building insulation better than the Norwegian passive building standard was analyzed by using EnergyPlus. The results showed that the heat pump solutions could be used to cover the building base load, while the peak load should be covered by additional energy sources. Due to a high indoor temperature caused by the high quality building insulation standard, an increase in ventilation air flow was necessary during the summer. To fully utilize the…

Vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) are a high-performance thermal insulation solution, which offer a much higher heat resistance than traditional insulation materials. Thus, is enabling a reduction in thickness of the building envelope, thereby solving one of the major challenges in today's requirements of energy-efficient buildings. Hence, the area efficiency in buildings will increase, and the slimmer walls may lead to increased daylight admission through the window partitions. Furthermore, it gives the possibility of retrofitting existing buildings towards today's standards within acceptable economical and practical measures.  Reduction of thermal heat resistance is one of the major challenges when using VIP, thus…

I dag har bygninger en andel på 30 % av verdens energiforbruk og står for 20 % av klimagassutslippene globalt sett. Regjeringen har derfor som mål å skjerpe energikravene i byggeteknisk forskrift til passivhusnivå i 2015 og nesten nullutslippsnivå i 2020. For å oppnå et bygg med nesten nullutslippsnivå vil bygget normalt være tilknyttet nettet.  Dette på bakgrunn av at energien importert fra energinettet, til bygningen, er ansvarlig for visse utslipp. Eksport av fornybar energi fra bygningen tilbake til energinettet er ansvarlig for å unngå lignende utslipp av andre (ikke-fornybare) energivarer koblet til samme energinett.Brødrene Dahl ønsker å se på…

A survey among relevant consultants and contractors shows the need for better knowledge and more systematic information in order to make decisions regarding the selection of system for energy supply of ZEBs (Zero Emission Buildings). The ZEB centre aims to develop a computerbased tool for this purpose that will include both a calculation tool and an information database. This assignment will be part of this development. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the cost optimality of different energy systems for a ZEB using the European cost optimal methodology introduced in the context of the EPBD (Energy Performance…

Rehabilitering av eneboliger
Publication Year: 2013

Eneboliger kan nesten bli nullenergibygg, men kundene skygger unna.   Skrevet av Joachim Seehusen

Kilowattkutteren på Haakonsvern
Publication Year: 2013

Nå bygger Forsvaret nullhus
Publication Year: 2013

Det nye administrasjonsbygget til forsvaret har et årlige beregnet energiforbruk på 16 kWh per kvadratmeter. Dette blir dermed et av landets mest energieffektive kontorbygg. Artikkel skrevet av Mari Gisvold Garathun.

ZEB får fortsette
Publication Year: 2013

Forskningsrådet gir ZEB ved NTNU gode tilbakemeldinger, og som ett av tre sentre får ZEB ny treårskontrakt og grønt lys for å fortsette både driften og forskningen i samme spor som de fire første leveårene.

Grønt lys for ZEB
Publication Year: 2013

Forskning på nullutslippsbygg har fått gode resultater i Forskningsrådets evaluering, og ZEB får fortsette driften og forskningen i samme spor.

Powerhouse One and Kjørbo
Authors: Publication Year: 2013

Alt som skal til for å rehabilitere eldre eneboliger til moderne energistandarder er tilgjengelig. Men kundene skygger unna.   Artikkel skrevet av Joachim Seehusen

Zeb, forskningssenteret for nullutslippsbygg ved NTNU er sikret ny  treårskontrakt med Forskningsrådet. Det er klart etter at senteret kommer  svært godt ut av en fersk midtveisevaluering.   Artikkelen er skrevet av Sølvi Waterloo Normannsen

Thesis for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor

The main aim of the work has been to do modeling and calculations of the energy use, embodied emission and the total CO2-emissions for a typical Norwegian office building. The goal is to find the most important parameters in the design of a zero emission office building, according to the current ZEB definition.

The main aim of the work has been to do modeling and calculations of the energy use, embodied emission and the total CO2-emission for a typical Norwegian residential building. By doing this we try to reveal and study the main drivers for the CO2-emission, and also which performance is necessary for components and solutions in a Zero Emission Building according to the current Norwegian ZEBdefinition.

Stipendiat ved NTNU og forskningsleder ved SINTEF Byggforsk, Birgit Risholt, disputerer 7. juni som første ZEB-PhD-kandidat siden senteret ble opprettet i 2009.

The article's aim is to present user experiences with passive houses and zero-energy buildings. The focus is on the interaction between the building and the users, specifically on how user interfaces, knowledge, and commitment influence the use of the building and the level of energy consumption awareness.

Monodisperse polystyrene (PS) spheres with controllable size have been synthesized by a straight forward and simple procedure. The as-synthesized PS spheres have a typical diameter ranging from ~180 nm to ~900 nm, where a reduced sphere size is obtained by increasing the polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/styrene weight ratio. The PS spheres function as sacrificial templates for the fabrication of hollow silica nanospheres (HSNSs) for thermal insulation applications. By modifying the silica coating process, HSNSs with different surface roughness are obtained. All resulting HSNSs show typically a thermal conductivity of about 20 mW/(mK), indicating that the surface phonon scattering is probably not significant…

One of the most effective actions for reduction of energy loss through the building envelope is to optimize the thermal performance, area and localization of the transparent components in the façade in order to obtain minimal heat losses and optimal solar gains. When considering the thermal performance of these transparent components, one should consider, not only heat loss (or gains) caused by thermal transmission, but also the beneficial effects of incident solar radiation and hence reduced demand for heating and artificial lighting. This study presents calculations for a range of windows as part of a building where the coupled effects…

Drawing on theories from studies of Facilities Management (FM) and social studies of science and technology as well as explorative qualitative research methods the purpose of this paper is to examine energy operations of large, existing buildings and how knowledge development and knowledge transfers may provide lessons for how FM of existing buildings may contribute to transition towards zero emission buildings. In this energy operation of existing buildings is described as an important measure towards sustainability. The relevant actors explored for this study are related to large non-residential buildings (university), and different types of large housing facilities (health rehabilitation and…

På Nanonkonferansen 18. mars 2013 var det speeddating med nanoforskere, som på 1 minutt presenterte nytt fra forskningsfronten. Klima- og forurensningsdirektoratet (Klif) og Forskningsrådet arrangerte konferansen for å belyse mulighetene og utfordringene som ligger i nanoteknologien.

Eksempler på nær nullenergibygg
Authors: Publication Year: 2013

Ådland får verdens mest miljøvennlige boliger, mener Arbeiderpartiets Ruth Grung. Tirsdag ga miljøvernministeren grønt lys for nullutslippboligene på Ådland.   Skrevet at Terje Bringsvor Nilsen

Her kommer det 800 miljøboliger
Publication Year: 2013

Miljøvernminister Bård Vegar solhjell ga grønt lys for miljøprosjekt på Ådland tirsdag.

Miljøverndepartementet har bestemt seg etter fylkesmannens klage.

Fremtidens bygg
Authors: Publication Year: 2013

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